Thursday, October 18, 2012

A tidbit of what a security officer is...from the eyes of the public

Most of you assume that a security officer is nothing more than Paul Blart.  That is what we are portrayed as and what you see in the malls where you work, shop and play.  Let me explain from the perspective of the people our company serves.  That being the apartment dwelling folks of Salt Lake.

I answer a lot of calls from very concerned people each night.  Some are well spoken and are able to explain and understand what I say in reply.  Others?  Well lets say it is a crap shoot at best.

I have been called with requests for security response for exterminators, maintenance issues, fires, fights, kids playing too loud, dogs barking, imaginary issues, fish and game issues, towing and so on and so forth.

I intend to share some of my exploits from my time working in a jail and my time in security over the next little while.

Here is one of my faves.  I answered a call from a lady who said her smoke alarm was going off.  I referred her to the fire department, explaining that we are security and not able to fight fires.  She argued with me saying we could come and fight fires.  SHE ARGUED WITH ME ABOUT THE ISSUE!!!  After several minutes of listening to her rant,  I tried to make her happy.

"Do you smell any smoke?"


"Are the alarms still going off?"


"Is it only your alarm?"


She tells me to hang on someone is at her door.  I can hear her talking to the person at the door.  It is a fireman.  A REAL FIREMAN.  She comes back and tells me that I have wasted her time.  The fire department is there and she has to go.  I told her to have a good night and stay safe.

Her reply?  Thanks honey, you too.

Yay! Another satisfied customer.

The wires are not connected.  You cant make this stuff up.

Until next time......

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